We are pleased to announce that IndianaRunner.com will be hosting our Summer XC Showcase meet next month at the LaVern Gibson cross country course! We are calling this year's event "Terre Haute at Twilight" ... This is a great opportunity to test your mid-summer fitness and to get some valuable racing experience on the State Meet / Nike Midwest Regional championship course!
The event will take place on Friday, July 19. We will be offering three races with this event: * 7:15 PM - Kids 400 Meter Race (Free) * 7:30 PM - 3000 Meter Cross Country Race ($20 online pre-registration, $25 race day registration) * 8:15 PM - 5000 Meter Cross Country Race ($20 online pre-registration, $25 race day registration)
Registration Details: secure.getmeregistered.com/get_information.php?event_id=132763